User Guide

This document provides instructions on how to set up and use the Open Source Development Lab's Database Test 2 (DBT-2) test kit. Database management systems can be installed from source or packages, or a DBaaS option can possibly be used. This section provides the high level overview of how to use the test kit. See Database Management System Notes for more specific details as it pertains to the database management system being tested, if available.

There are two general ways to use this kit:

  1. The Manual Test Execution section is not just how to run a test with minimal assistance, but also minimal data collection. In other words, the kit only produces the test metrics and data to validate the correctness of the test. It is left to the tester to do any additional data collection to characterize system behavior. But there are no limitations on how one may actually execute a test.
  2. The Comprehensive Test Execution section details how to use the provided shell scripts to fully characterize system behavior in addition to executing a test. This includes collecting system statistics as well and software profiles. There is not as much flexibility as running a test manually, while intending to help ease system characterization work. Scripts are also provided to generate a report with all sorts of charts using gnuplot, in HTML (using Docutils) and PDFs (using pandoc in conjunction with Docutils).

The database management systems that are currently supported are:

  • PostgreSQL
  • SQLite

These database management systems are a work-in-progress:

  • CockroachDB
  • YugabyteDB

Databases management systems that have worked in the past but are not current:

  • MySQL
  • SAP DB


External Software Dependencies

SQLite3 is required to do basic statistical calculations in order to report test metrics.

System and database statistic collection and post processing are handled by Touchstone Tool. Install this package, or its AppImage, in order to characterize system performance. This package is included in the DBT-2 AppImage.

A test report can be generated with the aid of DBT Tools. This package is included in the DBT-2 AppImage.

gnuplot is used when generating charts. This package is also included in the DBT-2 AppImage.

jq and toml-cli are required to use TOML configuration files for executing tests.

Linux AppImage

A Linux AppImage is available, intended for simplified use, albeit with reduced functionality, on Linux based systems. See Database Management System Notes for specific usage and for any database management system specific limitations. The DBT-2 AppImage may not always be as capable as installing the kit from source or from other pre-packaged distributions.

The DBT-2 AppImage must be installed on each system. It is also recommended to install the Touchstone Tools AppImage on each system when there are multiple systems in use.

For ease of use, we recommend renaming the DBT-2 AppImage binary to dbt2, if it hasn't already been done. Examples in the documentation will assume it has been renamed to dbt2.

If FUSE is not available, the AppImage is self-extracting and provides a script AppRun that can be executed as if running the AppImage itself:

dbt2-*.AppImage --extract-appimage

Alternatively, one could also set PATH and LD_LIBRARTY_PATH manually to include the extracted environment.

DBT-2 Test Kit Source

The primary source repository of the kit can be found on GitHub at:

Environment Configuration

The section explains how to configure various parts of the system before a test can be executed.

The individual driver and client binaries (e.g. dbt2-driver and dbt2-client) can be run directly (and you may want to depending on the situation), but scripts, such as dbt2-run, are provided to make some testing scenarios easier to execute. It does this by taking advantage of password-less ssh usage, but also requires additional environmental setup. This User Guide will not where applicable and the Database Management System Notes may have additional notes depending on the database management system.

Multi-tier System Testing

DBT-2 supports a 1-, 2-, and 3-tier client-server system configurations. Whether the binaries are run by hand, or whether the supplied helper scripts are used determine how much additional environmental setup is needed.

When using the dbt2-run script, which also supports helping execute a 1-, 2-, and 3-tier system configuration tests, additional environment variables may need to be set because a remote ssh environment may be more limited than a normal login environment. For example, if the scripts and binaries are installed in /usr/local/bin, this path may not be in the path when using ssh to execute commands locally.

Also password-less ssh keys needs to be set up to keep the scripts simple, the kit needs to be installed in the same location on each system. Each user must also have sudo privileges, also without requiring a password.

The ssh server on each system may need to allow user environment processing. To enable this, make the following change to the ssh server configuration file (typically /etc/ssh/sshd_config) and restart the sshd daemon (see specific instructions from the operating system in use):

PermitUserEnvironment yes

Some database specific examples are provided in the examples/ directory. Also see Database Management System Notes for more specific details per database management system, if available.

Building the Database

The database needs to be created, and data needs to be loaded before testing can begin. It is recommended to build the database from the system itself, as opposed to from a remote system, for performance reasons if possible. See Database Management System Notes for more specific instructions. There may be several options available depending on the database management system used. For example, this kit may include scripts that help create the database instance if one does not exist, install the database from source if the software is not already installed, and even scripts to help configure the database.

Sizing Consideration

The database can be built with as few as 1 warehouse. A 1,000 warehouse generates about 100 GiB of raw text data. The size of the database ultimately depends on the schema definition and the number of indexes built.

Not all of the warehouses need to be used. For example, if the database is built with 100 warehouses, 80 can be specified. Specifying more than available warehouses will results errors. The test will continue to run, but will log errors if a warehouse referenced does not exist.

If DBT-2 is used with standard transaction mix ratios, keying, and thinking times, etc. then the maximum throughput is limited to 12.86 x the number of warehouses. Thus if you want more throughput, the database size also needs to be increased. See Clause 4.1 in the TPC-C specification for a complete explanation.

If non-standard ratios, times, etc. are used, the database should be resized to match the measured throughput. This could take multiple revisions if database is tested to be undersized compared to the measured throughput.

Of course if you have any reasons to test outside of these recommendations, you should feel free to do so.

Running the Test Kit

There are a numbers of ways that DBT-2 can be executed. In each of these scenarios, it is required that the database has been created and loaded before any test can run successfully. There are several factors that may influence the execution method you may want to use. This section will outline some of the scenarios and provide examples.

The general test execution plan is:

  1. Start the database management system
  2. Start the client (e.g. dbt2-client), this can be skipped if running with the combined client-driver program dbt2-driver3 (See examples to understand whether not this is the method you want to use.)
  3. Start the driver (e.g. dbt2-driver)
  4. Process the test results

There are multiple variants of the client and driver.

Client only:

  1. dbt2-client - a pthread based multi-threaded program where 1 thread is created per database connection opened, and 1 thread is created per remote terminal connection.
  2. dbt2-client2 - an event-based multi-process program that is a work in progress. (This is still in development and won't be mentioned elsewhere until it is functionally complete.)

Driver (remote terminal emulator) only:

  1. dbt2-driver - a pthread based multi-threaded program where 1 thread is created per warehouse and district pair.
  2. dbt2-driver2 - an event-based multi-process program that is a work in progress. (This is still in development and won't be mentioned elsewhere until it is functionally complete.)

Client-Driver combined:

  1. dbt2-driver3 - an event-based multi-progress program that spawns N (user defined) number of processes per detected processor, where warehouses are evenly partitioned between each process and an event timer is spawned for every warehouse and district pair in each process.

Using dbt2-client in conjunction with dbt2-driver is considered the most traditional way to run the test. dbt2-driver3 was developed as a more efficient and easier to use program to drive the workload.

The "Easy" Way

There are many ways that this kit can be used. What easy means here is that many of the decisions are made for you:

  1. Use the DBT-2 AppImage because it is packaged with database management system client libraries and post processing analytical packages, thus minimizing system software setup.
  2. Use a system where the database is already running and you already created a database, because these steps don't help with database installation or configuration.
  3. Use the event-driven multi-process driver, which opens 1 database connection per processor on the system by default and minimizes the number of tiers used for testing.
  4. Do not use any keying or thinking time, thus letting the system be driven as hard as possible depending on the number of available processors on the system.

The number of warehouses and the length of the test can still be specified.

The Database Management System Notes section may have additional database management system specific notes.

The examples in this section assume that the DBT-2 AppImage has been renamed to dbt2 and is in the user's PATH.


This example will connect to PostgreSQL based on what is in the user's environment, as one would normally expect with core PostgreSQL utilities, but additional arguments can be used to change the connection information.

Execute the following commands with default parameters to build a 1 warehouse database with pl/pgsql stored functions, and run a 3 minute test:

dbt2 build pgsql
dbt2 run pgsql /tmp/results

Manual Test Execution

This method involves starting each of the components manually without any help from any of the scripts.

The database needs to be manually started.

The next step is to start the client. The command line parameters depends on the database management system tested so please review the help (-h) and Database Management System Notes for details. Here is an example for starting the client with 10 connections opened to PostgreSQL:

dbt2-client -a pgsql -d db.hostname -b dbt2 -c 10 -o .

The client will log errors, as well as its processor ID (pid) into the current directory, as specified by the -o . parameter.

The output from the client should look something like:

setting locale: en_US.utf8
listening to port 30000
opening 10 connection(s) to localhost...
listening to port 30000
10 DB worker threads have started
client has started

The next step is to start the driver. To get sane results from a 1 warehouse database, we should run the driver for at least 4 minutes (240 seconds):

dbt2-driver -d client.hostname -w 1 -l 240 -outdir .

The driver will log error and results, as well as its process ID (pid) into the current directory.

The output from the driver should look something like:

setting locale: en_US.utf8
connecting to client at 'db.hostname'

database table cardinalities:
warehouses = 1
districts = 10
customers = 3000
items = 100000
orders = 3000
stock = 100000
new-orders = 900

 transaction  mix threshold keying thinking
new order    0.45      0.45     18    12000
payment      0.43      0.88      3    12000
order status 0.04      0.92      2    10000
delivery     0.04      0.96      2     5000
stock level  0.04      1.00      2     5000

w_id range 0 to 0
10 terminals per warehouse
240 second steady state duration

driver is starting to ramp up at time 1675394297
driver will ramp up in  10 seconds
will stop test at time 1675394307
seed for 212536:7f9eca271700 : 10962933948494954280
seed for 212536:7f9eca234700 : 6320917737120767790
seed for 212536:7f9eca213700 : 6590945454066933208
seed for 212536:7f9eca1f2700 : 1675724396147333855
seed for 212536:7f9eca1d1700 : 15221135594039080856
seed for 212536:7f9eca1b0700 : 11698084064519635828
seed for 212536:7f9eca18f700 : 12013746617097863687
seed for 212536:7f9eca16e700 : 1937451735529826674
seed for 212536:7f9eca14d700 : 10201147048873733402
seed for 212536:7f9eca12c700 : 11758382826843355753
terminals started...
driver is exiting normally

The last step is to process the test data to see what the results are:

dbt2-post-process mix.log

The resulting output should look something like:

============  =====  =========  =========  ===========  ===========  =====
          ..     ..    Response Time (s)            ..           ..     ..
------------  -----  --------------------  -----------  -----------  -----
 Transaction      %   Average     90th %        Total    Rollbacks      %
============  =====  =========  =========  ===========  ===========  =====
    Delivery   3.81      0.000      0.000            4            0   0.00
   New Order  47.62      0.001      0.001           50            1   2.00
Order Status   5.71      0.001      0.001            6            0   0.00
     Payment  40.00      0.004      0.001           42            0   0.00
 Stock Level   2.86      0.000      0.000            3            0   0.00
============  =====  =========  =========  ===========  ===========  =====

* Throughput: 12.99 new-order transactions per minute (NOTPM)
* Duration: 3.9 minute(s)
* Unknown Errors: 0
* Ramp Up Time: 0.1 minute(s)

Congratulations, you've run a test!

Comprehensive Test Execution

The dbt2-run is a wrapper script that will attempt to collect system statistics and database statistics, as well as start all components of the test. It can optionally profile a Linux system with readprofile, oprofile, or perf. See Database Management System Notes for any database management system specific notes as there may be additional system specific flags.

The shell script dbt2-run is used to execute a test. For example, run a 4 minutes (480 second) test against a default sized 1 warehouse database locally and save the results to /tmp/results:

dbt2 run -d 480 pgsql /tmp/results

See the help output from dbt2 run --help a brief description of all options.

This script will also process the results and output the same information as if you were running dbt2 report manually like the last section's example. Additional, the dbt2 report --html command is for building an HTML report based on all of the data that is saved to /tmp/results by running:

dbt2 report --html /tmp/results

The HTML report uses Docutils. gnuplot is also required to generate any charts. This will create an index.html file in the <directory>.

An example of the HTML report is available online:

Executing with multiple tiers

To execute the test where the database is on another tier, pass the --db-host <address> flag to the dbt2 run command. The address can be a hostname or IP address.

To execute the test where the client is on another tier, pass the --client-host <address> flag to the dbt2 run command. The address can also be a hostname or IP address.

Multi-process driver execution

Default behavior for the driver is to create 10 threads per warehouse under a single process. At some point (depends on hardware and resource limitations) the driver, specifically dbt2-driver as a multi-threaded progress, will become a bottleneck. We can increase the load by starting multiple multi-threaded drivers. The -b # flag can be passed to the dbt2 run command to specify how many warehouses to be created per process. The script will calculate how many driver processes to start.

Keying and Thinking Time

The driver is supposed to emulate the thinking time of a person as well as the time a person takes to enter information into the terminal. This introduces a limit on the rate of transaction that can be executed by the database.

Each of the DBT-2 drivers allows the tester to specify different delays for each transaction's keying and thinking time. The most common scenario is not factor in any time for keying or thinking. For example:

-ktd 0 -ktn 0 -kto 0 -ktp 0 -kts 0 -ttd 0 -ttn 0 -tto 0 -ttp 0 -tts 0

See the help from the driver binaries to see which flag controls which transaction's thinking and keying times if you want to varying the delays differently.

The dbt2 run script sets each of the thinking and keying time flags to 0 by default and does not offer any finer grained controls at this time.

Transaction Mix

The transaction mix can be altered with the driver using the following flags, where the percentages are represented as a decimal number:

-q percentage of Payment transaction, default 0.43
-r percentage of Order Status transaction, default 0.04
-e percentage of Delivery transaction, default 0.04
-t percentage of Stock Level transaction, default 0.04

The percentage for the New Order transaction is the difference after the other 4 transactions such that the sum adds to 1 (i.e. 100%.)

Complex Test Configurations

The run script can use a TOML formatted configuration file to execute the workload in more complex configuration than what the command line arguments can provide. Note that running the binaries by hand still offer the most flexibility. For example:

  • Using multiple client programs across multiple systems
  • Using multiple driver programs across multiple systems
  • Specifying the client system and port per driver
  • Specifying the database system to use per client (for distributed database systems)
  • Specifying the warehouse range per driver

See the following subsections for specific scenarios.

Example 1: 1-tier Threaded Driver & Client

This the traditional way to run the workload with three components, the database, a client, and a driver. In this example all three components are run on a single system:

mode = 1
database_name = "dbt2"
warehouses = 1
duration = 120

client_addr = "localhost"
database_addr = "localhost"
connections = 1

driver_addr = "localhost"
client_addr = "localhost"

Example 2: 1-tier Multiple Threaded Drivers & Clients

This example is similar to Example 1, except it illustrates how to start mutiple drivers and clients on the same system:

mode = 1
database_name = "dbt2"
warehouses = 2
duration = 120

client_addr = "localhost"
database_addr = "localhost"
connections = 1

client_addr = "localhost"
database_addr = "localhost"
connections = 1
client_port = 30001

driver_addr = "localhost"
client_addr = "localhost"
wmin = 1
wmax = 1

driver_addr = "localhost"
client_addr = "localhost"
wmin = 2
wmax = 2
client_port = 30001

Example 3: 3-tier Threaded Driver & Client

This example is similar to Example 1, except it illustrates how to start each component on separate systems, where the run script is executed on the driver system:

mode = 1
database_name = "dbt2"
warehouses = 1
duration = 120

client_addr = "sodium"
database_addr = "lithium"
connections = 1

driver_addr = "localhost"
client_addr = "sodium"

Example 4: 3-tier Threaded Driver & Client

This example is similar to Example 3, except it illustrates how to start multiple drivers and clients:

mode = 1
database_name = "dbt2"
warehouses = 2
duration = 120

client_addr = "sodium"
database_addr = "lithium"
connections = 1

client_addr = "sodium"
database_addr = "lithium"
connections = 1
client_port = 30001

driver_addr = "localhost"
client_addr = "sodium"
wmin = 1
wmax = 1

driver_addr = "localhost"
client_addr = "sodium"
wmin = 2
wmax = 2
client_port = 30001

Example 5: 1-tier Event-Driven Driver

This is a simplified and low resource way to run the workload, where the client has been combined with the driver. This example is single system where the event-driven driver and database are on the same system:

mode = 3
database_name = "dbt2"
warehouses = 1
duration = 120

driver_addr = "localhost"
database_addr = "localhost"

Example 6: 1-tier multiple event-driven drivers

A single system where multiple event-driven drivers and database are on the same system. This example illustrates how to start multiple drivers that use a different and distinct warehouse range:

mode = 3
database_name = "dbt2"
warehouses = 2
duration = 120

driver_addr = "localhost"
database_addr = "localhost"
wmin = 1
wmax = 1

driver_addr = "localhost"
database_addr = "localhost"
wmin = 2
wmax = 2

Example 7: 2-tier Event-Driven Driver

This is similar to Example 5 except the driver is on a separate system. The run script is executed on the driver system:

mode = 3
database_name = "dbt2"
warehouses = 1
duration = 120
driver_addr = "localhost"
database_addr = "lithium"

Example 8: 2-tier Multiple Event-Driven Drivers

This example expands on Example 7 where there are multiple event-driven drivers started on the same system that are configured on distinct warehouse ranges:

mode = 3
database_name = "dbt2"
warehouses = 2
duration = 120

driver_addr = "localhost"
database_addr = "lithium"
wmin = 1
wmax = 1

driver_addr = "localhost"
database_addr = "lithium"
wmin = 2
wmax = 2