
Pyrseas provides a framework and utilities to upgrade and maintain a relational database. Its purpose is to enhance and follow through on the concepts of the Andromeda Project. The name comes from Python, the programming language, and Perseas [1], the Greek mythological hero who rescued Andromeda from a sea monster [2].

Pyrseas currently includes the dbtoyaml utility to create a YAML description of a PostgreSQL database's tables, and the yamltodb utility to generate SQL statements to modify a database to match an input YAML specification.


API Reference

Currently, the only external APIs are the classes ~pyrseas.dbconn.DbConnection and ~pyrseas.database.Database and the methods ~pyrseas.database.Database.to_map and ~pyrseas.database.Database.diff_map of the latter. Other classes and methods are documented mainly for developer use.

Indices and tables

  • genindex
  • modindex
  • search


[1]The common English name for Perseas is Perseus and the Ancient Greek name is Perseos. However, in modern Greek Περσέας is the more common spelling for the mythical hero. The project would be Πυρσέας or ΠΥΡΣΕΑΣ in Greek.
[2]He is better known for having killed Medusa.